A garden gazebo is a perfect way to accent your garden. Imagine being able to walk along the path between the koi pond and the flowers, the hedges and the willow tree, pausing to rest on a bench inside a gazebo. Its shade will comfort you, and its architecture will add that special geometric touch […]
Planning Your Patio Garden
A patio can be a wonderful place to relax during the warm days of spring, summer and autumn; or all year if you live in warmer climes. At times when the lawn may be too wet or even muddy, the solid floor of a patio means you can sit outside even after heavy rain and […]
Palm Trees – Uses And Locations
Palm trees, scientifically known as Arecaceae or Palmae, are trees belonging to a family of monocot flowering plants. There are approximately 2,600 different species of https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=177832&u=1520322&m=22188&urllink=&afftrack=s, the majority of which are native to tropical or subtropical climates. Some well-known trees that belong to this group include coconut trees, rattan trees, and date https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=177832&u=1520322&m=22188&urllink=&afftrack=s. Uses of […]
History of the Bonsai
History of Bonsai Introduction Bonsai, the art of cultivating small trees in containers, has become a symbol of patience, dedication, and the deep connection between humans and nature. This blog post seeks to explore the rich history of bonsai, tracing its roots from ancient civilizations to its contemporary global popularity. Ready to delve into this […]
Bonsai FAQ
Practiced for centuries in China and Japan, Bonsai is the reproduction of natural tree forms in miniature. A Bonsai is a living miniature tree in an attractive pot that increase in beauty and value as they mature over the years. Bonsai simply translates as “tree in a pot”. How hard is it to grow & maintain […]
Introduction to the Art of Bonsai
The definition of the term “Bonsai” is : a plant, usually a tree or shrub, that is grown in a container and made to look like a mature tree through the use of various training techniques. The plant usually does not exceed 1 meter in height. The art of Bonsai as we know it traces […]
5 Quick Gardening Tips to Save You Money
It’s easy to spend a fortune every year creating a beautiful yard. These five tips can help save you money in both this, and future gardening seasons. 1. Plan your vegetable garden according to what your neighbors are planting so you can share your vegetables when they’re ready for eating. Often I’ve had too many […]