How To Care For Crassula Rupestris | The Baby Necklace Vine


Crassula Rupestris (pronounced KRASS-oo-la rue-PES-tris) is a shrublet succulent that belongs to the genus Crassula in the jade plant family Crassulaceae.


potted Baby’s Necklace Vine

This Crassula plant originates from the eastern cape of South Africa and is known by several common names including:

  • Baby’s Necklace Vine
  • Kebab Bush
  • Bead Vine
  • Rosary vine
  • Concertina plant

The botanical name comes from the Latin term ‘Crassus’ meaning thick and fleshy, referring to the appearance of the Crassula Rupestris’s leaves while the name rupestris means rocks.

Crassula Rupestris Care

Size and Growth

Baby’s Necklace Vine has a multi-branched growth.

It begins with an upward growth and then spills over its pot as it matures.

It can grow to be up to 3’ tall. The leaves are usually around 1” tall and during bloom season, the star-shaped flowers can be 0.25” inches wide.

This plant is hardy to grow in USDA hardiness zones 9b to 11b.

Rupestris looks and grows similar to its cousin Crassula Perforata (String of Buttons).

Flowering and Fragrance

This plant is characterized by thin stems that have small, thick leaves that are shaped like ovals.

The leaves are shades of red and yellow in the summer months and gray-tinged for the remaining seasons.

The plant blooms with pale pink star-shaped flower clusters.

During the summer months, the leaf margins develop brilliant red and yellow hues.

Light and Temperature

This light loving plant will do great when placed in full sun. However, it also works in light shade.

If you decide to place your plant in full sun exposure, acclimate the plant slowly to the sunlight to make sure it doesn’t burn.

Cooler nighttime temperatures of around 50-55 degrees Fahrenheit are preferred by these plants in order to grow in optimal condition.

Kebab Bush also benefits from overwintering if you want to encourage healthy blooming.

Watering and Feeding

Like all succulent plants, the Concertina plant cannot deal with overwatering.

If you leave them in standing water, they will be susceptible to root rot.

Follow the ‘soak and dry’ method while watering:

  • Water them thoroughly once
  • Then wait for the soil to dry out before watering again

They will generally need more water during the hotter months of the year as compared to the cooler winter months.

Make sure you have a pot with good drainage to minimize the risk of standing water at the base of your plant.

Feed your Kebab Bush with a diluted liquid fertilizer during the growing season to promote healthy growth.

Soil and Transplanting

Well-draining succulent soil is essential to prevent root rot in these plants.

A commercial cactus mix or a coarse, sandy soil can be mixed together in the ratio of 2:1 for a good draining mix.

You can also add in perlite mixed with a cactus potting mix for a similar effect.

If you choose to transplant your kebab bush, make sure to do so in the warmer months and don’t let your transplanted succulent sit in water at any cost.

How To Propagate Baby Necklace Crassula

The Baby Necklace Vine can be propagated using stem cuttings or leaves.

If you use leaves, remember they take much longer to take root as opposed to stem cuttings.

To use leaves for propagation, remove the entire leaf from the plant including the base to ensure that there’s a higher chance of success.

Let the leaf-cutting dry out for a day or two and then lay it flat in a potting mix.

Keep the soil lightly moist until the leaf-cutting takes root.

For stem cuttings, you’ll want to follow a similar process and dry out your cutting before planting.

However, instead of planting it on top of the soil, you’ll want to plant it in the potting mix. It will take about two weeks for your plant to take root.

Concertina Plant Pests and Disease Problems

If given too much or too little water, the plant will suffer from a number of leaf disfigurations. Be very careful about your watering practices.

In addition to this, Crassula rupestris is susceptible to mealybugs.

They will appear as cottony spots on the leaves. Get rid of mealybugs by wiping down the leaves with rubbing alcohol.

Suggested Kebab Bush Uses

These easy-to-grow plants can be grown both indoors and outdoors and make for a beautiful ornamental addition to your garden or home as potted plants or small hanging baskets.

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